Soar with Confidence, Land with Ease –

Discover the Distinctive
Charms of Hidden Lake Airport (FA40)

Hidden Lake Airport:

Your Gatewayto Private Aviation Excellence

Hidden Lake (FA40) is a private airport situated north of St. Petersburg, Florida, on the PIE 010 radial, 22.6 DME miles.

For landing permissions, kindly contact the Airport Management at

Airport Facilities and Usage

Private Airport – Prior Permission Required

Hidden Lake Airport is a privately owned airport with limited parking and facilities, thus visitation and ramp space must be monitored to prevent conflicts. Please submit a Help ticket to visit. Unapproved (no prior permission) visits will incur a $50/day fee.

Interactive Charts

Explore Interactive Aviation Charts for Hidden Lake Airport

Interactive Charts

Fuel Services

24 hours a day
Accessible with a major credit card


Guidance for Pilots

Pilots flying into Hidden Lake for the first time are highly encouraged to Watch The Videos and Review the Operating Rules.

This advice is provided to enhance their understanding of the area and ensure a safe and informed experience. Taking the time to familiarize themselves with the videos and operating rules will contribute to a smoother and more secure landing at Hidden Lake.

Runway Information and Flight Protocols


Explore comprehensive details about Hidden Lake Airport's runways, traffic patterns, and vital information for a smooth and informed flying experience.

Runway Details

Runway Details

Runway 5/23: 4425 feet long, 50 feet wide hard surface with lights and a dusk-to-dawn rotating beacon. The field elevation is 30 feet MSL.

Runway 23 has a displaced threshold of 650 feet, leaving 3775 feet available for landing. A PAPI light system is present on the left side of the runway, approximately 700 feet beyond the threshold.

Runway 05 has a displaced threshold of 375 feet, leaving 4050 feet available for landing. A PAPI light system is located on the left side of the runway, approximately 700 feet beyond the threshold.

Flight Procedures

Flight Procedures

The flight procedures for entering and exiting the traffic pattern are standard left traffic pattern with a pattern altitude of 1,000 feet AGL.

Use Unicom frequency 123.0 MHz for traffic advisories.

Wind sock located on the left of Runway 5 approximately 500' beyond the threshold (near PAPI).

General Weather information available on Brooksville's ASOS at 134.725 MHz.